Coaching Certification Programme

Master Your Reality
Apply Here

In this process I will teach you how to heal yourself and overcome your biggest obstacles with ease and passion. You will learn self development techniques that you can apply taking forward to the rest of your life! Once you have the tools and the know how you can overcome anything that life throws at you with inner power and knowing. I support YOU to becoming a BETTER YOU!

Life Coaching Used For:

  • Dealing with Stress
  • Relationship Turmoil
  • Depression
  • Trauma
  • Low Energy
  • Auto Immune Disease
  • Chronic Disease
  • Low Mood
  • Repeat Issues (falling into the same traps)
  • Anxiety
  • Deep Rooted Disease


  • Release old patterns and behaviours.
  • Centre and align yourself quickly.
  • Energise yourself intensely. 
  • Find out what is blocking you in your life
  • Align to your life purpose and higher self
  • Release negative energy from the body
  • Shift into a centred, positive, action taking person!
  • Heightend Awareness 
  • Confidence
  • Happiness

I can guarantee you change. Change is the only constant. I will give you 50% and no more! YES THATS CORRECT! I give HALF as the other 50% has to come from YOU! I am here to step you up to take mark. Call you out on your B/S and give YOU the REAL YOU!


You will get over what is in your way, face your fears and stop running! Step into the life you’ve always dreamt of!

Lead the life you desrve…

Life Coaching with a shamaness is the ultimate key to self development and life mastery. 

Life Coaching Certification Modules


To EMPOWER YOU to heal all aspects of your life.


12 X 1:1 Sessions with me
Taken over either a 3 month, 6 month or 1 year mentorship


12 modules online course content, to certify you as a 3 sides of the coin coach. Study at home, access for life, including techniques & homework.



Investment For Your Self Education and Coaching Qualification £2999
payment plans for your year mentorship available. 

Application Form

My biggest tips for getting results quickly are:

1) Choosing yourself, decide and really want to be a better YOU! Whether that is using me or working with someone else.

2) Drop a vice that is holding you back and helping to suppress your true self. (something that has you, rather than you having it.)

3) Be honest with yourself. Know that being just “o.k” does not have to be your life, you can BE and live the version of yourself you’d like to be NOW.

2 Secrets Powerful Shaman's Know that Society has Forgotten

YES send me the secrets....

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