Shamanic Practitioner

Creating Lasting Shifts for Mind, Body & Soul

My name is Clare J and I specialise in Shamanic Healing. I am the founder of PASH Ceremony and creator of the Shamanic Shift, a unique 3-Step Formula for Trauma Transformation and Cognitive Reset.

I am guiding my clients to higher levels of self awareness and self healing using a combination of ancient shamanic wisdom and modern transformational coaching. 

Over the last 9 years I immersed myself deeply into the world of shamanic healing and in my practice I work with my clients 1:1 or introduce them to shamanism through my training courses and workshops.

I guide and teach you how to master your own reality free from pain, speak the language of energy and step into a powerful purpose filled life!

Discovering shamanic energy for me was like a massive awakening, as if my life finally made sense. Having experienced shifts in all areas of my life I am now passionate about sharing the magic of shamanism with my clients and anyone wanting to learn more about shamanism.

If you are curious about working with me I encourage you to reach out, click on the BOOK A SESSION button and fill out the Pre-Session Questionnaire.

I look forward to hearing from you.   


  • 1st BA Hons Degree ALRA
  • Master Shamanic Practitioner & Teacher of MESA Medicine Wheel
  • Medicine Wheel 1 Gateway, 2 South, 3 West, 4 North,  5 East, 6 Masters (total 7 years training)
  • Haton Karpay & Wilka Mayu Karpay
  • Hypnotherapy & NLP
  • Thought Field Therapy TFT (Tapping)
  • Life Coaching Diploma
  • Couples Coaching Heart IQ
  • Heart IQ Group Retreat Facilitator

I have highly developed clairsentience, so I can sense energy beyond the physical, I’m so sensitive to emotions and feelings to the point of extrasensory perceptions. My life’s purpose is to help others get in touch with their authentic feelings through working with me, which opens up channels to their own subconscious wisdom.

I have a modern approach to spirituality and healing but have learnt from the old masters and ancient ways. Studying the Q’ero Inca Shamans (Paqos) knowledge from Peru. I have extensive knowledge, having walked the road myself and formed an intensely strong connection with source over the years.

I work with mostly Peruvian techniques in healing, but integrate all my knowledge and methods to give all my healings such power and integrity. I have received sacred rites that align me to the earth and the cosmos beyond our world, which I feel strengthen my lineage to the Q’ero Paqos priests in the mountains of Peru.

My Story

I believe everyone is born with spiritual gifts and the capability to heal, but some of us choose to strengthen and harness these gifts. Everyone is capable of healing and healing themselves, which is what I am here to teach.

At age 9 I was diagnosed with auto immune disease, ulcerative colitis. I remember self healing with colours, I would put my hands on my belly and all these colours in my minds eye would fill up my intestine and move with my hands around my stomach. I would tell myself it would be O.K and I thought I was just being kind to myself, (although I secretly hoped that it would go away.) I didn’t realise at the time but I was performing spiritual healing on myself, you could call it Reiki or Energy Healing or even speaking with Angels because I would. I would ask the Angels to help me and to protect me and I would feel emotions and see colours in my minds eye and feel this energy moving through me. I would also do lots of crying, just tears streaming down my face and I wasn’t sure why, because I wasn’t sad for myself or the fact that I was ill. It was more of a release or a beautiful crying experience, not something you would imagine from a 9 year old. I have cried like that since and found it so beautiful, when I was 9 It was like it was just happening and I didn’t have an opinion of it, I was just experiencing.

Spirituality isn’t something I talked about at that age to my friends, it was just for me. I remember my dad asking me a question about my thoughts on the universe when I was 12 years old and my answer was, “I believe there are 6 cycles of re-incarnation, or 6 levels to the game if you like.” (stages 7, 8 & 9 being something else) my answer had shocked him because I could see from his expression he was amazed…. his reply to me was “How in the world do you KNOW THAT?” My 12 year old self said something like, “I don’t KNOW Dad, its just belief at this moment.”

I have recently gone through journals I used to write when I was in my teenage years 14, 15, and the profound knowledge I had, even me reading it now as an adult astounds me, that I had all the teachings and the knowledge within me then. I just didn’t know they were spiritual teachings because I hadn’t learnt what else was out there. It to me was just my opinion, it was only when I had the teachings of masters to compare it with that I realised the profoundness of my youth. Living with what the doctors would say was a DIS-EASE had made me the most enlightened teenager. I saw the bigger picture of everything and was so grateful for every little detail.

I feel, in this lifetime (and i’m only in my 30’s now,) that I have lived already 5 lifetimes worth of lessons and teachings. Each part of my life has been so EPIC! I could tell such stories of such lessons learned and now that I am finding my language and embodying my purpose these stories will be shared.

You will heal yourself effortlessly by living your life’s purpose and listening to your body, knowing yourself and working with both your ego and your soul for human awareness and total alignment.

Yes that is correct I believe we are to be both as thankful to the ego as to the soul and know when to listen to them both to be in full alignment. I do not believe it is what we as humans are working towards to be all soul and no ego. Running away from the ego pretending it is not there and being in spiritual “enlightened” state 24/7 is not realistic or in my belief wise. When you know your ego, listen to its teachings and realise its go to behaviours then there is space, there is choice. Its in that space in between that I find all knowing. Listening to the ego and to the soul and being at perfect balance in between the both of them, an all rounded REAL, AUTHENTIC, human, with emotions, challenges, highs, lows and being open to learning as if you are always hearing something for the first time.

This is what it means when spiritual masters tell you to look within, go within to find enlightenment. It is to KNOW and LOVE the ego. To have a self awareness muscle so strong that you are constantly (or as much as possible) in the space in-between. So many assume in spirituality the ego is “BAD” let ego go! The more you try to let it go (associate it with being bad) and turn away from it, the louder it gets. The ego is part of you, it is divine in itself, it is teaching you just as much wisdom as your soul is and it is very strange to turn our backs to any part of us. For we are fully divine in all expression. My shadow self as I would call it in shamanic terms, the ego as we use a lot, negativity, low vibrations all of those “BAD” things have been my very most important teachers.

When we have Angels to guide the soul and Entities to teach the ego and we learn and listen to them both we are sacred, we become a full circle of both sides. We are then embodying sacred geometry and living in the harmony with our energetic world. A circle is the very basis of scared geometry it is the circle and the cube for me that I work with the most. I am the circle and the cube is how I direct and move energy. 

Committed to healing all aspects of human life, for a better existence.

“You have a choice in each moment, don’t let your programming run your life but choose your own mood and become empowered.”


In my online session I felt at ease and was able to open up easily, and express my thoughts. I feel my anger has had a big shift since my session. I have felt a sense of calm, which has been a huge progress in my journey. Would definitely recommend. You really understood my issues and helped me see and tell myself that the emotional rollercoaster I am going through is normal, I am not alone, and I am strong enough to accept what has happened in my life. Also, I am the only person in charge of my own happiness

Sarah Jochacy

Work With Me To Transform Your Life & LIVE IN BLISS! 

Protocol: For each new client I work with, we start with a minimum of 3 sessions together.
This is about getting you off to the best start. I like to move away from a dependant relationship. It is my mission to get you where you need to be as quickly as possible. All transformation is a process. 

Shamanic Transformational Session 90 Mins: £130

Discounted Sessions Sets of 3: £88 Per Session

It doesn’t have to be me that supports you but I would encourage you to get support from a coach, healer or mentor that you do resonate with. It’s so important for us all to find the most aligned guide for this journey.

Still want more information?

Not a lot of people know much about shamanic healing. So you might be wanting abit more information about how I work. I do my best to break down for you, how I work and what is involved in a shamanic healing session. 

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